The following instructions willhelp you get your development environment ready for working with the
source code. These instructionsare specific to setting up for deployment to Orion server and Tomcat 5.5
developing with Java JDK 1.5.Liferay Portal is compatible with Java 1.4 also and a wide array of
application servers andcontainers. You will need to adjust your development environment according to
your platform.
Before we can get started, thefollowing components must be installed on your machine.
3.1. JDK 1.5.0or JDK 1.4.2
1. Download and install JDK 1.5.0[]. JDK 1.4 is also
2. Set an environment variablecalled JAVA_HOME to point to your JDK directory.
3.2. Jikes 1.22or Jikes 1.21
Jikes is a Java compiler by IBMthat is much faster than the original one provided by the JDK.
1. Download and unzip Jikes 1.22[]. If using JDK
1.4 you have to use Jikes 1.21instead.
2. Set an environment variablecalled JIKES_HOME to point to your Jikes directory.
3. Add JIKES_HOME\bintoyour PATH environment variable.
3.3. Ant 1.6.5
1. Download and unzip the latestversion of Ant [].
2. Set an environment variablecalled ANT_HOME to point to your Ant directory.
3. Add ANT_HOME\bin to your PATHenvironment variable.
3.4. Subversionor a Similar Version Control System
We recommend that you put allyour code and configuration files into a version control system.
Subversion is free and opensource and can be used through a set of commands, by installing a
subversion client such asSmartSVN [], TortoiseSVN []
or through the integrationmechanisms provided by most IDEs.
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