Liferay Portal is one of the leadingopen source portal frameworks.Liferay have the following features
Runson all major application servers and Servlet containers, databases, andoperating systems, and over 700 deployment combinations.
Usesthe latest in Java, J2EE, and Web 2.0 technologies.
Usesan open SOA framework.
Outof the box usability over 60 portlets.
AJAX-enableduser interface.
FullLDAP synchronization and secure Single Sign On (SSO) support.
Liferay portal includes adefault workflow engined called Kaleo. Kaleo workflow allows todefine any number of simple to complex business processes/workflowsbydefining everything inside a single XML file.Liferay 6 also provide integrationmechanism with the JBPM workflow engine. The workflow is applied out-of-the-boxto the following Liferay entities:
1. WikiPage
2. WebContent
3. DocumentLibrary Document
4. BlogsEntry
6. MessageBoards Message
There are four portlets related to the workflow that allows theusers to manage this system.
My Submissions
My Workflow Tasks
Workflow Configuration
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